50 Years Anniversary

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These are the significant other hash’s
Sumatra Hash
In the early ’90s, out of necessity, with growing numbers of participants at weekends, Sumatra Hash was spawned.
Meeting on a Sunday there were often 6, 7, or even 800 hashers.
Things are less frantic nowadays though, I believe.
Sumatra Hash is mixed, runs are
on Sundays with specials on
Nusantara Hash
Nusantara Hash House Harriers was also founded in the mid-90s to cater to Medan’s residents’ insatiable appetite for weekend social activities.
Successful to the point of owning their own place to imbibe the amber nectar of hash in the middle of our local hash-country-side.
Mixed run meeting on Sundays and the usual special runs on
Nusantara Hazards
Nusantara Hash House Hazards. Founded in 1999 to accommodate the Hazards of Hash.
To be a ‘Hazard’ there are certain criteria that should (should, not must, as hash is a very forgiving society). Age, over 40 – Waist, over 40 – IQ, under 40. to name but a few. All in good fun. Just to say that the Hazards are here for the geriatric amongst us.
Runs on Monday and specials at the weekend. Men only
Batang Jaya Hash
Batang Jaya Hash House Harriers is a men-only group of pleasantly hard-core hashers.
Dedicated to the traditions of hash and running on Wednesdays they are the must-try-to-join a run with them, if ever visiting Medan and have time on Wednesday afternoon/evening.
As mentioned, they run on Wednesdays at 5 o’clock and have mixed runs on weekend specials
Other Medan Hash’s that run at various times
Please note: I am not sure that the information below is 100% correct. (If anyone wants to update their information then please Contact Us here >>>.
Lion Hash HHH
Runs On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2013
Sibayak Hash HHH
Runs On Thursdays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2018
Dragon Hash HHH
Runs On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2020
Tiger Hash HHH
Runs Once A Month
On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2017
Family Hash HHH
Runs Once A Month
On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2007
To Run Hash HHH
Runs Once A Month
On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2022
Phoenix Hash HHH
Runs Once A Month
On Sundays
Mixed hash
Starts 3:00(?)
Since 2021(?)
Siantar Hash
The oldest hash in Siantar.
Since 1995.
If anyone can enlighten us as to run details we would be obliged. 🙂
OH5 Hash
Runs A Lot
On Sundays +
Mixed hash
Starts ?:00(?)
Since 2009
Siantar Hazards
Runs A Lot
On ?(help!)
Men only
Starts ?:00(?)
Since 2009
Horas Hash
Organised by Medan Hash and run annually at Lake Toba, but as the founders aged it became bi-annual.
Inevitably age got the better of both and with the restrictions of the global pandemic, it is yet to be revived.
Sunday Hash
As the name suggests only ran on Sundays.
Founded in 2003, Sunday Hash was good for 20 years.
Sadly, one more casualty to Covid19 pandemic.
Sunday Hash no longer operates.
Hash’s That Come & Go There are a few hash chapters that have not lasted a significant amount of time. One I can remember is Bintang Hash.
If there are any others that are worth a mention please advise.